- Over (14) years experience as full time machinery and equipment appraiser.
- Have completed over (740) machinery and equipment appraisals.
- ASA Senior Appraiser and a member in good standing of the American Society of Appraisers
- Have completed numerous appraisals throughout the North America.
- Industrial and Commercial appraisals: Tool and Die, Metal Fabricating, Stamping, Plastic Injection Molding, Assembly Plants, Scrap Metal Recycle Processors, Grocery Stores, Restaurants, Spring Maker, Plastic Extrusion Plants, Thermoforming Plants, Physical Fitness Facilities, Recycling Facilities, Blown Plastic Film/Bag Plants, Sawmill Operations, Commercial Trucking Operations, Furniture Manufacturing Plants, Bulk Mail Sorting Facility, Commercial Dry Cleaning Facilities, Forestry Operations, Roofing Contractor, Furniture Manufacturer, Rental Company, Golf Course/Country Club, Masonry Company, Mobile Repair Company, Natural Gas Pumping Company, Plumbing Contractor, Commercial Radio Station, Internet Service Provider Facility, Materials Laboratory Facility, and more.
- Medical Companies apprised: General Physician’s Offices, Ophthalmology Offices, Radiology Equipment, Laboratory and Research Equipment, Dentist Offices, Cardiovascular Equipment and more.
- Construction Companies appraised: Asphalt Paving, Concrete Paving, Aggregate, Brick and Block Plant, Excavating, Wholesale Landscape Supplier, Building Contractor, Redi-Mix Batch Plants, Gravel Mining Operations, and more.
- Agricultural Operations appraised: Orchards, Landscape Nursery, Wholesale and Commercial Greenhouses, Dairy Farms, Fruit Processing Facilities, and more.
- Many years experience in Agriculture and Construction: Farm and Field Boss, Underground Utilities and Home Construction.
- Over twenty years experience in Manufacturing: Tool Designer, Tool Engineer, Process Engineer, Plastic Injection Molding, President and Owner of Tool and Die Manufacturing Company.
Education & Associations
- Graduate of Ferris State College, Big Rapids, Michigan, Associates Degree in Technical Drafting Tool and Die Design.
- Have successfully completed the USPAP (Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice) course.
- Have successfully completed the American Society of Appraisers ME201, ME202, ME203, ME204, (Principles of Valuation for Machinery and Equipment) courses by the American Society of Appraisers.
- Have successfully completed the Ethics Course of the American Society of Appraisers.
- Have successfully completed the American Society of Appraisers ME208 Marine Survey Appraisal Course.
- Have successfully completed the American Society of Appraisers Mining Milling Course.
Value Concept Experience
- Forced Liquidation Value
- Orderly Liquidation Value
- Fair Market Value
- Fair Market Value – Installed
- Fair Market Value – In Continued Use
- Replacement Cost New